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Terms of Use / Privacy Policy

Effective Date: May 2018

Peavey Electronics and all of its affiliates and subsidiaries ("Peavey" or "Peavey Commercial Audio" or "Trace Elliot" or "Trace Acoustic" or "Budda Amplification" or "Budda" or "Composite Acoustics" or "MediaMatrix" or "Crest Audio" or "Architectural Acoustics" or "us" or "we" or "Company") appreciate your use of and contributions to our websites, our mobile and desktop applications, our other properties or our related services (collectively known as "Peavey Electronics Properties") and we understand your concerns about privacy. So, we want you to understand what types of information we collect on this site and what may happen to that information.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, you should contact us at:

Peavey Electronics Corp.
Attn: Legal
5022 Hartley Peavey Drive
Meridian, MS 39305

This is our Privacy Policy and we will comply with it, as well as applicable Privacy laws, when we gather and use information from users of the Peavey Electronics Properties. We encourage you to read this Privacy Policy to understand how we collect information and what we do with the information we collect from you.

By accessing or using Peavey Electronics Properties, you agree to the terms of this privacy policy and consent to the collection and use of information as discussed in this privacy policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this privacy policy, please do not use Peavey Electronics Properties.

Peavey Electronics reserves the right to modify or amend this Privacy Policy at any time. Notice of changes to this Privacy Policy and current policy will be reflected on Peavey Electronics Properties. All changes will be effective immediately upon their posting to Peavey Electronics Properties. Material changes will be conspicuously posted on Peavey Electronics Properties. You agree that accessing or using Peavey Electronics Properties without any objection following posting of the changes, constitutes your acceptance of the revised terms.


A. Personally Identifiable Information
When using the Peavey Electronics Properties, Peavey Electronics may collect information you voluntarily share with us, including any content, record, or electronic communication of any kind, including without limitation your (1) contact information, including name, address, phone number, and email address; (2) financial information related to payment, including name, email address, billing address, credit card information, telephone number and other information necessary to open your account and complete a transaction or purchase, record of products or services purchased, and the date the transaction occurred; (3) demographic information, including gender, age, birthdate, number of children, interests, and household income to better design and manufacture products and services to meet your needs; (4) product and service preferences; and (5) online user account information, including username, password, profile picture, instrument skill level, and left or right hand preference. Our collection and use of all of the foregoing information is subject to applicable laws and the terms of this Privacy Policy.

You are not required to provide personally identifiable information in order to visit Peavey Electronics Properties. You must, however, register and provide personally identifiable information in order to access certain portions or use some or all of the features of certain Peavey Electronics Properties, receive Peavey Electronics communications, and to enter contests and other promotions.

Peavey Electronics may use content you provide us through emails, responses to polls, contests or sweepstakes or any other promotional activity. Please be advised that your submissions become the property of Peavey Electronics and may be used by Peavey Electronics for marketing emails, targeted advertising on social media, or internal user analysis. You grant Peavey Electronics permission to use the content of your submission in marketing whether now known or invented in the future, with or without attribution, including publication online, trade media, and advertising into perpetuity without limitation. You agree that any content you send us will not violate any rights of any third-party and that you will only send us content for which you own the rights.

B. Non-Personally Identifiable Information
Peavey Electronics also collects other information that is not personally identifiable to you, but results solely from your visit to Peavey Electronics Properties. We use web beacons, cookies, and a Facebook pixel, which are placed on your computer when you access Peavey Electronics Properties.

a. IP Addresses
Your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address is usually associated with the place from which you enter the Internet, like your Internet Service Provider, your company or your university. By collecting your IP address, Peavey Electronics’s server records the referring page that linked you to the Peavey Electronics Property (e.g., another website or a search engine). If you’re coming from another website, then the pages you visit on this website, the website you visit after this website, the ads you see or click on, other information about the type of web browser, computer, platform, related software and settings you are using, any search terms you have entered on the Peavey Electronics Property or a referral website, and other usage activity and data logged by our web servers. Peavey Electronics may also use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our servers, gather broad demographic and geographic information, and administer our Peavey Electronics Properties. Peavey Electronics may also link this information with your personally identifiable information when Peavey Electronics feels that it is necessary to enforce compliance with its rules and policies, terms of service, or to protect its Peavey Electronics Properties, customers or others.

b. Web Beacons
Web beacons are Internet tools, such as transparent images on a website or in e-mails that we may send you, that help us to determine, for instance, the number of visitors to a Peavey Electronics Property, whether a page has been viewed or an e-mail opened, or to collect other related information, and this information may be associated with your unique browser, device identifier, or IP address. For example, when you ask us to send you information on a promotion or newsletter, we may use web beacons to determine how many of the e-mails we sent were actually opened. In general, any electronic image viewed as part of a web page, including a banner ad, can contain a web beacon.

c. Cookies

Peavey Electronics may use cookies to track the use of Peavey Electronics Properties and to facilitate and enhance your experience. “Cookies” are bits of electronic information that can be transferred to your computer or other electronic device to uniquely identify your browser. When you use Peavey Electronics Properties, we may place one or more cookies on your computer or other electronic device. We may use cookies to connect your activity on the Peavey Electronics Properties with other information we store about you in your account profile or your prior interactions on the Peavey Electronics Properties to, for example, store your preferences. The cookies enable Peavey Electronics to facilitate access to different aspects of the website. For example, by showing when and how you and others visit its website, cookies help Peavey Electronics to see which pages of the website are popular and which are not. Cookies can also help Peavey Electronics to improve your enjoyment of this website, for example, by remembering your address or other personal information when you request information or services on the website. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can disable this function so that your browser will not accept cookies. Please be aware that disabling this function may impact your use and enjoyment of this website.

d. Google AdWords Remarketing
Peavey Electronics uses Google AdWords Remarketing and Google Analytics to advertise Peavey Electronics products across the Internet. AdWords Remarketing will display relevant ads tailored to you based on what parts of the Peavey Electronics Property you have viewed by placing a cookie on your machine. THIS COOKIE DOES NOT IDENTIFY YOU OR GIVE ACCESS TO YOUR COMPUTER. The cookie is used to say “This person visited this page, so show them ads relating to that page.” AdWords Remarketing allows Peavey Electronics to tailor our marketing to better suit your needs and only display ads that are relevant to you. How to Opt-Out of Remarketing and Advertising: If you do not wish to participate in our AdWords Remarketing, you can opt out by visiting Google’s Ads Preferences Manager.

e. Social Networks
We use Facebook pixels on Peavey Electronics properties. If you are logged in to Facebook while browsing our websites, Peavey Electronics may store your Facebook profile information for 180 days for advertising purposes. For additional information, please refer to your social network account to manage the information that is shared through your account.

f. Email
You will receive email from Peavey Electronics for marketing. We respect your desire to manage email correspondence. You may unsubscribe from our email list at any time via links embedded in the footer of each email you receive from Peavey Electronics. However, note that even if you unsubscribe from certain email correspondences, we may still need to email you important transactional or administrative information.

Peavey Electronics does not sell, rent or loan any of your personally identifiable information to any third party. Peavey Electronics may, however, use and share information with third-party suppliers specifically involved in the processing of your information received via Peavey Electronics Properties.

Peavey Electronics will use your personally identifiable information only for the purpose of communicating to you as set forth in this Privacy Policy and any other purpose for which you disclose it to us. If you wish for us to cease use of your personally identifiable information in any way, you may contact us at any time as set forth below. We will contact you in writing via email prior to using your information for any reason other than for the reason you disclosed it to us.

With respect to purchases on Peavey Electronics Properties, we do not collect or store your full credit card information. Our credit card processing service provider will collect full payment card information from you to pay for your purchases from Peavey Electronics Properties.

In addition, Peavey Electronics may use and share aggregated information that does not uniquely identify you when it enables Peavey Electronics to improve and enrich our products and services.

When you provide public information without identifying yourself, we will protect your personal identity in accordance with this Privacy Policy. However, we are not responsible for any personal information you choose to submit in any public section of a Peavey Electronics Property (such as your profile page or the discussion forums).

Peavey Electronics will only email you if you opt-in to receive commercial emails regarding Peavey Electronics products, services, promotions and events. If you receive Peavey Electronics commercial emails and would like to stop receiving commercial emails in the future, you may opt-out of receiving it by clicking on the opt-out area within that email. Peavey Electronics will only communicate with you according to your instructions.

Peavey Electronics limits third party access such as Mailchimp and Facebook to personally identifiable information collected on Peavey Electronics Properties. Peavey Electronics Properties have security measures in place that we believe are reasonable to help protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under Peavey Electronics’s control. While Peavey Electronics cannot guarantee that loss, misuse or alteration to data will not occur, Peavey Electronics uses industry standards, such as Secure Socket Layers (“SSL”) technology, to help safeguard against such occurrences. In certain instances, the information passed between your browser or device and the Peavey Electronics system is encrypted with SSL technology to create a protected connection between you and Peavey Electronics Properties to ensure confidentiality. In the event that a breach into the Peavey Electronics security systems occurs and there is a possibility that an unauthorized person acquired your personal information, Peavey Electronics will notify you of the breach under applicable law. No transmission of information via the Internet can be entirely secure, however, so please always use caution when submitting personal information.

If you wish to have access to your personally identifiable information, please contact us with your request at the address below. You may also request that Peavey Electronics update your personal information or correct any factual errors that you believe may exist regarding this information. In the event of a change in control of Peavey Electronics or sale by Peavey Electronics of substantially all of its assets, any information owned by or in the control of Peavey Electronics may be transferred to such Peavey Electronics successor, who will comply with the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Peavey Electronics Properties are not linked to other websites or applications not maintained by or related to Peavey Electronics. Peavey Electronics is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of any third parties or third-party websites or applications, including any third-party linked or linking websites or applications. To the extent that you disclose personally identifiable information to any such third parties, different rules may apply to their use and disclosure of personal information that you disclose to them. Peavey Electronics encourages you to review the privacy policies of such websites or applications before disclosing your personal information to them.

California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits California residents to request and obtain from us a list of what Personal Data (if any) we disclosed to third parties for that third-party’s direct marketing purposes in the preceding calendar year and the names and addresses of those third parties. Requests may be made only once a year and are free of charge. Under Section 1798.83, we currently do not share any Personal Data with third parties for their direct marketing purposes. If we do decide to share your Personal Data with third parties for their marketing purposes, you may opt-out of this disclosure at any time by submitting a request to us at the address below.
It is important to note that this opt-out does not prohibit disclosures made for non-marketing purposes or for purposes of assisting us with our own marketing.

Additionally, if you are a registered user under the age of 18 and a resident of California, you may request removal of content you have posted to the Services. Please note that making such requests does not ensure complete or comprehensive removal of the content. For example, we may retain the information for our own internal records, and it is also possible that a third-party we do not own or control may copy the posting and repost it elsewhere.

Your privacy is important to Peavey Electronics. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:

Peavey Electronics
Attn: Legal
5022 Hartley Peavey Drive
Meridian, MS 39305

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